There are over 15 million trucks on the road in the United States. Accidents involving trucks or large commercial vehicles can have a devastating effect on the life of the injured party and their family. Commercial truck drivers must operate their vehicle with reasonable care or in some cases extreme caution to ensure the safety of themselves and other drivers on the road. However, truck accidents are common, and individuals hurt due to negligent truck drivers or defective equipment should consult with an experienced personal injury attorney to ensure that their claim is being handled right and that all the parties involved are held accountable for the injury caused by the negligent action of the truck driver. At Voto & Cavalli, Attorneys at Law P.C. our Cranford truck accident lawyers specialize in commercial vehicle accident litigation with over 30 years of experience litigating complex cases.
If you are involved in an accident with a commercial vehicle contact the police and seek medical attention immediately. If at all possible, document as much evidence from the accident scene.
Take photos of the damage to your vehicle and the truck, obtain witness names and phone number. You should then contact a Cranford truck accident lawyer as soon as possible.
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If you need immediate assistance, please call 908.272.7300 for a free initial consultation