If you or your loved ones have been injured in a bus accident, Voto & Cavalli, Attorneys at Law P.C. can help you.
Our attorneys have over 30 years of experience litigating Personal Injury cases in the New York and New Jersey area.
The most important thing to do after any accident is to contact the local authorities and obtain medical attention. Stay at the scene and if you are injured and wait for Emergency Medical personal to transport you to the nearest Hospital. If your injuries are not life threatening, document as much as possible, take photos of the accident scene, obtain names and phone numbers of witnesses if possible.
Some buses are owned by a private entity, public or government entity. School Bus- can be either public or private Transit Buses are primarily owned by a public entity Intercity buses- can be either public or private.
If you are a passenger in a Publicly owned bus, it is essential that you seek legal representation immediately as there are certain restrictions that you must abide by, and very strict time limitation pertaining to notice to the public entity for your intention to make a claim.
Understanding the type of bus that you are on effects how you case is handled. Passengers in privately owned buses are not subject to the restrictive Tort Claims Act. N.J.S.A. 59:3-2(a)
You are entitled to Recovery:
If you sustained a debilitating injury in a bus accident you can recover
Call a Cranford bus accident lawyer today for guidance.
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If you need immediate assistance, please call 908.272.7300 for a free initial consultation