A huge issue with personal injury cases is people feeling wrong about bringing a claim for injuries they sustain as the result of the negligence of another person or entity. Recovery of money for the negligence of another is a well-settled right. Many times, in not pursuing your just compensation you are only helping insurance companies and hurting your family and yourself.
You may pursue a claim for personal injury without filing a suit or legal action. Many personal cases are settled without a lawsuit of legal action with the insurance company or defendant settling before any case is filed. Unfortunately, because many insurance companies are unreasonable, cases do wind up in a lawsuit or litigation in order to force them to pay. Some factors you should consider in whether to pursue a claim are:
– Was someone else at fault in some way for the injuries you sustained?
– Is your injury a permanent or temporary injury?
– Have you received treatment or do you need to receive treatment for any injury you sustained?
– Did you lose any time from work or school as a result of your injury?
– Do you have any outstanding medical bills as a result of an injury you sustained?
– Has your life been limited in any way as a result of the injury you sustained?
Voto & Cavalli has been focused on winning justice for good people, like you, who were injured because of someone else’s negligence or carelessness. When someone else makes a mistake that causes you or someone you love to suffer a devastating injury, Calcagno & Associates is passionate about holding the negligent parties responsible for their actions. Contact us today for a FREE consultation about your accident or injuries.
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